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New Dancers' Page


Welcome to Rocky Mountain Express!

Here some important things you need to know about clogging at RME.

RME is owned, directed and taught by Greg and Maria Tucker. Their teams have won 30+ National Team Titles, and the two of them claim more than 20 National titles in Individual and Duet categories themselves.

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Fall 2024 Beginning Classes

Ages 6-12 - Rocky Mtn Ignite
Tuesdays 4:00-4:45 pm, $45/month

This class will perform at least 3 times throughout the year. Dancers will purchase a costume for the year, (between $40-$65). Each dancer is required to purchase a RME T-shirt and clogging shoes. (refer to clogging shoes below).

Ages 3-5 - Rocky Mtn Happy Feet
Thursdays 4:00-4:30 pm, $35/month

This class will perform at least 3 times throughout the year. Dancers will purchase a costume for the year, (between $40-$65). Each dancer is required to purchase a RME T-shirt and clogging shoes. (refer to clogging shoes below).

January Beginning Class:
Depending on demand, another beginning class may start in January. It costs just $45/month, and the class will perform 1-2 times in the Spring. This team is required to purchase a T-shirt to wear for performances in the Spring.


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Things to know:

    Our philosophy is simple: Clogging is a fun, social dance form, and once you've done it, you just love it!  We love to give our dancers opportunities to grow and develop through weekly instruction, performing and competing, and lifelong friendships.  Once you're a part of the RME family, you never go back.
We teach dancers from ages 3-65+!


    We are located at 1171 North 400 West, Studio A in Orem. (Off of State Street and 1200 North, behind Autozone.)
    Every dancer is asked to be to class each week, if you know you will be absent, please notify your teacher ahead of time. Performances and competitions (where applicable) are required. Each class (except our first years) compete 2-4 times a year.  Each class usually has 2 shows in December (we have recital around Christmas) and 2 shows in the Spring. It's a lot of fun! Each dancer is required to purchase a costume (see below) and a studio T-shirt.

Arrive 5 minutes early to class to put on your shoes and be ready to dance.  Please pick up dancers promptly when their class is done.  Dancers should wait inside the lobby for parents- RME is not responsible for children once they've left the building.
Bring your clogging shoes every week, and wear comfortable, breathable clothing to dance in. (No jeans!) If your shoes are being fixed, please wear running shoes.
No gum while dancing.

Each class has a costume for the entire year. Upper levels have multiple costumes. Usually costs range from $40-$80 and are used for all performances and competitions.
    We have lots of used shoes at the studio for sale!  If you would like new shoes, we recommend Empire Dancewear in South Jordan.  For young beginners, we suggest you purchase WHITE canvas shoes (similar to what Keds used to look like - a leather or canvas shoe) and put taps on them. Taps are located at the Village Shoemaker in Orem.
    Email is the best way to reach us. Newsletters are sent out each month via email with information and a current statement of your account.

Tuition is due the first week of the month. We do not prorate tuition.  Monthly tuition will be taken out on the 5th of each month. Additional expenses such as costumes and competition fees along with any other class fees will also be charged on the 5th of the following month.  All dancers need to be registered with an Autopay account. This is a safe system (www.itransact.com) that can be set up with a credit card, debit card, or a voided check. You simply fill out an Autopay form at the studio, and return it either to your teacher or in the payment box in the lobby.
Each September each clogger pays a $25 registration fee ($40 for 2+ dancers). This covers rental of our recital venues.
Family tuition rates are as follows: 1st dancer is full price, every family member after that is discounted $5 per month.

    Just ask - again E-mail is best! Contact us by E-mail (click here - rmexpress@gmail.com) or by phone 801-224-8334
Thanks for your interest and we can't wait to get you on stage!
Greg & Maria